The Goldmine for Small Businesses: The Superpower Big Brands Wish They Had!
Small businesses have a superpower that big companies want. Curious? Small businesses are nimble and agile when they’re not.
Are you fed up with bland sustainability content? How to create engaging sustainability content.
Bad sustainability writing isn’t helping anyone, especially not your business. I’ve pulled together my top tips for writing engaging and inspiring sustainability communications.
Compostable Confusion! What is compostable packaging and is it really ‘all that’?
Are you confused about biodegradable and compostable packaging? You’re not alone. Are they different? How do ‘sustainable’ packaging alternatives really affect the environment? Which one is the best? How do I dispose of them?
In this review, I will take a look at compostable packaging.
Nappies are biodegradable! What does biodegradable actually mean?
Yes, you heard it here first, nappies are biodegradable, just not in the sense that most people would hope. The definition of biodegradable products is open to misinterpretation and even misrepresentation.
I’ve taken an in-depth look at both biodegradable and compostable labelling, so you don’t need to. In this post and my subsequent post on packaging labels, I will explain what I found out and what it means for consumers. In this first post, I will look at biodegradable items and the discovery that actually they aren’t always that green.
Eco-Friendly Working from Home
Is working from home really more sustainable?
Maybe not. Working from home means you become a transport officer, chief procurement officer and senior environmental officer all in one. You become responsible for reducing your carbon footprint and managing your resources. We’ve looked at why the question of remote work sustainability is so complex and give tips on how to reduce your own home-working impact.