The Goldmine for Small Businesses: The Superpower Big Brands Wish They Had!
Small businesses have a superpower that big companies want. Curious? Let me explain...
Big corporations don’t want you to know this, but they wish they could be like you! It’s true. Small businesses are nimble. They don’t need months of planning and meetings to make changes – they can adapt and embrace new ideas much faster without the fuss.
That's why “agility” is such a buzzword for corporates; they aspire to be what you already are!
Most small businesses focus on efficiency and customer service – and that’s great. But don’t forget your real edge: agility.
Remember how COVID-19 flipped everything upside down? It was small businesses that thrived by quickly pivoting – restaurants became take-outs, and office caterers shifted to serve home workers. Those ready to adapt seized the moment!
Big Boat Vs Little Boat
The only certainty in business is uncertainty. Agility and adaptability are essential for any business to not just survive but thrive.
The problem for big companies is just that, they’re big. Think of them as a giant cargo ship trying to change direction. To change direction, they first must slow down, input a new destination and then make a slow, wide loop to turn. Sometimes, they even need to rely on smaller vessels to make the turn!
Small businesses? They're speedboats – quick, nimble, and able to dodge obstacles without missing a beat!
What is organisational agility
Aaron De Smet, a Senior Partner at global management consulting firm McKinsey & Company, describes agility as “the ability of an organization to renew itself, adapt, change quickly, and succeed in a rapidly changing, ambiguous, turbulent environment.”
In simpler terms, agility is all about reacting fast to shifts in the market and your environment to capitalise on new opportunities.
Building agility helps businesses, improve organisational resilience, respond quicker to change and find smarter solutions to problems.
With tighter budgets and leaner teams, agile businesses need strong communication to stay relevant. Share content that tells your audience who you are, what you do, and why you should be their top choice. As a small brand, you steer your own ship, so there’s no need to slow down when opportunity knocks.
Sure, big competitors have more resources, but they can’t move as fast as you. Typically, they go through layers of committees and approvals before they can bring a new concept to market. As a small business, you can test a new idea today, get feedback tomorrow, and tweak it the next day. If it works, great! If not, you can adapt or scrap it—no lengthy approvals required.
Modern Business’s and Agility
Change has always been a constant in business, but with today’s technology and industry, it’s speeding up.
In a report by KPMG it found that agility is the top factor in project success. The greater the level of agility, the better the results including financials, customer satisfaction and reaching goals.
With customer demands and market trends shifting faster than ever, especially with digital transformation, agility is no longer optional.
Agile Organisations and communications innovation
With tighter budgets and leaner teams, agile businesses need strong communication to stay relevant. Share content that tells your audience who you are, what you do, and why you should be their top choice. As a small brand, you steer your own ship, so there’s no need to slow down when opportunity knocks.
Sure, big competitors have more resources, but they can’t move as fast as you. Typically, they go through layers of committees and approvals before they can bring a new concept to market. As a small business, you can test a new idea today, get feedback tomorrow, and tweak it the next day. If it works, great! If not, you can adapt or scrap it—no lengthy approvals required.
So, focus on efficiency, customer service and making your business work better. But don’t forget your super power and try something new! Set aside some time, budget and brainpower to trying new things. Test out new sustainable concepts, the wacky and mundane. Talk boldly about your successes, and even your mistakes, seeing how your customers react. Some will flop – no big deal. Others may bring small wins. And every now and then you might just hit the jackpot with something that truly connects with your business and your customers.
Want to try new sustainable business ideas, or discover how to talk about your sustainability journey? Let’s chat!